
Take part in our survey and win a great day out in Turku!

What excites you about Turku city center? Tell us what you think is the best thing about Turku city center! It could be for example a brick-and-mortar store, a service, a milieu or a building.

If you want to be part of the prize draw, leave your contact details with us. You can win a great day in Turku, including one night at the Radisson Blu Marina Palace, a gift card to Restaurant Tori’o and a gift card to Hansakortteli for shopping. The total value of the prize is approximately 350 euros.

The competition is open until 18.6.2023. The winner will be notified personally. The competition is organised by the Turku City Center Association. More detailed rules of the competition here.

Take part in the survey

Take part in our survey